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Events / Arts festivals

The XVIII Republican Festival of Folk Art "Shumbrat, Mordovia!"

25 october - 14 december, 2014, Saransk

The festival name uses the welcoming, the call to the land of Mordovia and appeal to everyone who was born and live here: "Hello, Mordovia!".

The republican festival "Shumbrat, Mordovia!" originated in 1997. Over the years the main idea of the festival has formed – the preservation of national culture, national traditions, the development of amateur artistic creativity. The festival facilitates the revealing of spiritual wealth of the Republic inhabitants, the consolidation of society, strengthening friendship and mutual comprehension in Mordovia.

This year the festival "Shumbrat, Mordovia!" is devoted to the Year of Culture held in Russian Federation and organized on the eve of the 70-th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The festival will take place from October 25 to November 30, 2014, in the way of reporting concerts of municipal areas of the Republic of Mordovia and city district of Saransk with the organization of exhibitions of fair of applied and decorative arts "The Mastery of Mordovia land".

On December 14, 2014, at the National Palace of Culture, a gala concert of the winners of the festival will be held.

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11:17:22 C ( F)
Region: Republic of Mordovia
City: Saransk
Venue: The National Palace of Culture
Phone: (8342) 23 05 83